L ucas J. Santana Catro-Alves , MD * , Vera Lucia Fernandes De Azevedo , MD, MS * , Tania F. De Freitas Braga , MD * , Antonio C. Goncalves , MD * and Gildasio S. De Oliveira Jr. , MD, MSCI † + Author Affiliations From the * Department of Anesthesiology, Santo Antonio Hospital, Bahia, Brazil; and † Department of Anesthesiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. Address correspondence to Gildasio De Oliveira, Jr., MD, MSCI, Department of Anesthesiology, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 251 E. Huron St., F5–704, Chicago, IL 60611 . Address e-mail to G-jr@northwestern.edu . Next Section Abstract BACKGROUND: Patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy often have significant postoperative pain despite the use of concurrent multimodal pain strategies. Neuraxial anesthesia has opioid-sparing effects and may provide better postoperative recovery to patients when compared with general anesthesia. O...