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Affichage des articles du septembre, 2013



Gustav Killian (June 2, 1860 - February 24, 1921) was a German laryngologist and founder of the bronchoscopy.

    His father Johann Baptist Caesar Killian (1820-1889), the son of a  städtischen Wegeaufsehers  an urban way overseer, was a  doctor of philosophiae  and high school teacher born in Mainz and later living in Bensheim. His mother Apollonia (1833-1865), née Höpfel died early, at age 31 of cholera . He was also born in  Mainz , and educated at the  University of Freiburg-im-Breisgau . He made revolutionary advances in the diagnosis and treatment of affections of the infralaryngeal passages, especially in the  diagnosis  and removal of foreign bodies in the  bronchial tubes , by means of his new art of bronchoscopic control. His first college appointment was as assistant to Professor Hack of the chair of  otolaryngology  in Mainz. The sudden death of Wilhelm Hack (1851-1887) led to his succession by Killian, although he was not made professor at the time. His revolutionary activity on  bronchoscopy gain...

Reducing wastage of inhalation anesthetics using real-time decision support to notify of excessive fresh gas flow

Reducing wastage of inhalation anesthetics using real-time decision support to notify of excessive fresh gas flow . Nair BG ,  Peterson GN ,  Neradilek MB ,  Newman SF ,  Huang EY ,  Schwid HA . Source Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. Abstract BACKGROUND: Reduced consumption of inhalation anesthetics can be safely achieved by reducing excess fresh gas flow (FGF). In this study the authors describe the use of a real-time decision support tool to reduce excess FGF to lower, less wasteful levels. METHOD: The authors applied a decision support tool called the Smart Anesthesia Manager™ (University of Washington, Seattle, WA) that analyzes real-time data from an Anesthesia Information Management System to notify the anesthesia team if FGF exceeds 1 l/min. If sevoflurane consumption reached 2 minimum alveolar concentration-hour under low flow anesthesia (FGF ...

Propofol discovery may help lead to development of new anesthetics

Propofol discovery may help lead to development of new anesthetics New research on the most commonly used anaesthetic drug could help to unravel a long-standing mystery about how it induces a pain-free, sleep-like state. General anaesthetics are administered to tens of millions of people every year in hospitals, where they are used to sedate patients undergoing surgery. Despite this, scientists have yet to understand how the drug interacts with its targets in brain cells to achieve this effect. Following years of research on propofol, which has become the most commonly used anaesthetic since it was introduced in the 1980s, researchers at Imperial College London and Washington University School of Medicine have published a study in the journal  Nature Chemical Biology  in which they identify exactly how the drug acts at a molecular level. Researchers had already identified the receptor that propofol interacts with in the brain. Having a more detailed picture of exac...


Dr Anne Hébrard Département d’anesthésie Hôpital Jeanne de Flandres - Lille  introduction Le but de la consultation d’anesthésie tel qu’il est défini par la SFAR est multiple: - Déterminer le risque anesthésique du patient - Définir la stratégie périopératoire - Etablir une relation entre la patient et l’anesthésiste (notion de contrat) Elle doit déboucher sur un dossier anesthésique reprenant : - Les antécédents personnels et familiaux du patients, les traitements en cours, l’examen physique réalisé, les éventuels examens complémentaires prescrits - Les techniques anesthésiques et postopératoires proposées - Les explications fournies au patient - Les consignes pour la période préopératoire immédiate Cette conférence a été organisée le 19 Septembre 2002 à Paris et coordonnée par Olivier Paut et Annie Lando. La consultation d’anesthésie a été rendue obligatoire par le décret de loi du 5 Décembre 1994. Auparavant, dans la plupart des établissements, les pa...