Reducing wastage of inhalation anesthetics using real-time decision support to notify of excessive fresh gas flow . Nair BG , Peterson GN , Neradilek MB , Newman SF , Huang EY , Schwid HA . Source Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. Abstract BACKGROUND: Reduced consumption of inhalation anesthetics can be safely achieved by reducing excess fresh gas flow (FGF). In this study the authors describe the use of a real-time decision support tool to reduce excess FGF to lower, less wasteful levels. METHOD: The authors applied a decision support tool called the Smart Anesthesia Manager™ (University of Washington, Seattle, WA) that analyzes real-time data from an Anesthesia Information Management System to notify the anesthesia team if FGF exceeds 1 l/min. If sevoflurane consumption reached 2 minimum alveolar concentration-hour under low flow anesthesia (FGF ...