Fatigue is a state of physical or mental weariness characterized by a
lessened capacity for work and a reduced efficiency of accomplishment.
It may result from a period of intense or prolonged exertion or
alternatively may occur after time spent on unchallenging or monotonous
tasks. In clinical practice, it is associated with long hours of
wakefulness, sustained mental effort, and shift working. Fatigue
negatively affects performance and is associated with increased risks to
patient safety and to the well-being of the anaesthetist. The increase
in shift working for trainees as a consequence of the European Working
Time Directive (EWTD) and the increasing likelihood of a 24-h
consultant-delivered service have increased concerns that fatigue may
become more prevalent in front-line anaesthetists with predictable
implications for safety and clinical effectiveness.
Service d'Anesthesiologie et de Reanimation de l'Hopital de l'Universite d'Etat d'Haiti.
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